Tristan and Isolde

Probably Wagner’s most beautiful and most sensuous composition, Tristan and Isolde, will premiere at Folkoperan, Stockholm (SE) on the 14th and 15th of October 2020.

Probably Wagner’s most beautiful and most sensuous composition, Tristan and Isolde, will premiere at Folkoperan, Stockholm (SE) on the 14th and 15th of October 2020. Linus Tunström will make his directing debut on the opera stage with this production, Wagner’s epoch-defining opera whose urgent tones propel a drama as powerful as the urgency of the love it describes.

Marit Strindlund's musical concept aim to present a sonorous, younger, warm and open sound world, with a lightness of touch. This allows us to use young but large voices, which all have access to both lyrical as well as dramatic colours.  To make this happen Folkoperan has commissioned a creative orchestra arrangement, for 25 musicians, made by composer Annelies van Parys

